More Reports of Inappropriate Behavior From North Dakota Rep. Luke Simons Come to Light


MINOT, N.D. — In a column late Wednesday night I wrote about Rep. Luke Simons’ abusive behavior toward colleagues.

Women, in particular.

Majority Leader Chet Pollert, a Republican from Carrington, told me that he spoke with Fargo Democratic Rep. Karla Rose Hanson and Minority Leader Josh Boschee about Simons cursing the former out after she asked him to put on a mask in the capitol cafeteria, which was the impetus for yesterday’s column. Simons answered with “f— off” and “you’re not my f—— mother,” an outburst that shocked observers.

“What Rep. Boschee told me yesterday is that he talked with the two ladies involved and they said if Luke had an apology they would accept that, but if something further happens then they’re expecting something from the floor, whether it be a reprimand or censure,” Pollert said.

But today, based on public records obtained from Legislative Council, I can report that Simons’ abusive behavior has apparently extended to multiple female attorneys and staffers who serve the Legislature, and it’s a pattern that spans years.

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