Latest Spat in the NDGOP Has Former Chairman Planning His Own State Convention for the Party

MINOT, N.D. — There are a lot of fractures in the North Dakota Republican Party, from Gov. Doug Burgum ruffling the feathers of many lawmakers with his big-money spending in the June legislative primary campaigns to the rump caucus Bastiat faction of the Legislature, the divides in North Dakota’s dominant political party have perhaps never been more palpable.
Here comes another example of in-fighting.
Curly Haugland is a long-time Republican activist in North Dakota. Though he doesn’t presently hold an official position with the NDGOP, Haugland has, in the past, served as a national committeeman representing North Dakota in the Republican National Committee, as well as the party’s chairman.
Currently, he’s trying to organize a state convention for his party. He’s even got a date and a location, July 25, in Bismarck.