Friday Mailbag: Maxine Waters, Extremist Protesters, the Sober Ride Program and Squabbling Inside the NDGOP

MINOT, N.D. — It’s Friday, and we can all now head into the weekend confident that we’ll soon be free of the yoke of statewide mask mandates.
Though not, I should note, local mask mandates which are still ok for some reason?
We live in strange times, my friends. Interesting, but strange.
As always, a lot of great feedback in today’s mailbag. If you want to reach me, shoot your messages to Your submissions, if included in the column, may be edited for clarity and brevity.
Douglas writes, in response to my column criticizing Rep. Maxine Waters for her incendiary comments ahead of the Derek Chauvin verdict: “Typical right-wing false equivalency. Maxine W., whatever she says, does not carry the same weight as the POTUS who told his supporters to come to the Capital Jan. 6 ‘it’s going to be wild’ and once at the rally, they were whipped up by various speakers with a finale by POTUS who urged them to march to the Capital. Whatever Maxine said is not even close. So weary of right-wingers making excuses for Trump.”
You really have to work hard to accuse me of making excuses for Donald Trump. “It’s no longer possible to be a Trump supporter and a patriot” is a headline I’ve written. I believe Trump incited the January riot at the Capitol, and I supported his impeachment for it. I was disappointed that he was acquitted.