Fargo Police Department Says No Charges for Traffic Accident Involving U.S. Attorney Drew Wrigley

North Dakota Lt. Gov. Drew Wrigley meets with The Forum editorial board Thursday, Dec. 8, 2016, in Fargo. Michael Vosburg / Forum Photo Editor
Last week a Facebook post by a woman who was involved in a traffic accident with U.S. Attorney (and former Republican Lt. Governor) Drew Wrigley got some attention from local media. The post accused Wrigley of leaving the scene of the accident, among other things.
“You hit my car, Drew. You straight up fled the scene of an accident you caused,” she wrote. “Grow a pair of balls and man up. Take responsibility for your poor choices.”
I spoke with Fargo Police at the time, and what they said contradicted what the woman described in her post, mostly in that she didn’t opt to file a report despite claiming that Wrigely had fled the scene.
Wrigley, for his part, said he spoke with the woman at length at the scene of the accident. He said they exchanged information, and provided me with a photograph of the hand-written information the woman provided him.
If they spoke, and exchanged information, it’s hard to believe anyone really was fleeing.
Anyway, today I can report that the matter doesn’t seem to be going any further. Forum Communications news intern Mitra Norowzi contacted Fargo PD spokeswoman Jessica Schindeldecker who said there would be no charges or citations.
“I looked back to confirm and make sure that there was no citations or anything in that crash report. It was just a delayed crash report, for probably insurance purposes.So there’s no update on that and there won’t be anything,” Schindeldecker told Norowzi.
You can read the original Facebook post here.
The woman, Britney Berger, hasn’t made any posts on the matter on her Facebook profile since her original complaint.