Fargo Left Wingers Plan Protest for Something Which Hasn’t Actually Happened Yet

Nicole Mattson of Moorhead leads Indivisible FM, a group that formed following election of Trump with the intent of raising awareness against his agenda. David Samson / The Forum
Indivisible Fargo-Moorhead, a left-wing group organized to resist the policies of Republicans, is organizing an event in Fargo protesting President Donald Trump’s firing of Special Counsel Robert Mueller.
Only, that hasn’t actually happened yet. In fact, President Trump has said he’s not even considering such a thing.
A reader tipped me off to the event:
@robport The Left is pre-organizing spontaneous protests in the state in response to events that haven’t occurred yet. Check this out. https://t.co/o7Nb4wKfHy
— Chris (@CJBarry55) December 20, 2017
Admittedly, the event is being planned as a contingency just in case Trump would attempt to fire Mueller as you can see from the details on the organizing page:
SAB readers will remember the Indivisible FM group for demanding town hall events from Senator John Hoeven and Congressman Kevin Cramer (though not Senator Heidi Heitkamp). Cramer obliged, only to see the event turn into an angry session of shouting.
Nationally the Indivisible group has been caught trying to stage manage ugly town halls for Republican members of Congress.
Anyway, it’s hard to see how such transparently hyper-partisan activism accomplishes much of anything for the progressive cause.