Burgum’s Shutdown of Schools and Businesses Seems to Be Slowing the Coronavirus Spread

MINOT, N.D. — It’s hard to describe how painful the coronavirus quarantine has been for North Dakotans and all Americans.
The kids aren’t going to school. Many of us are working from home. Social events are canceled. Businesses are closed. Worry and anxiety are rampant.
And that’s before we talk about the economic toll of this disruption, not to mention the hit our state budget is going to take.
The question a lot of us are asking is, will this shutdown of our communities be worth it?
I’ve gone back and culled some data from the press releases from Gov. Doug Burgum’s administration. The graph below shows the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in North Dakota by day, through the most recent release of data from the North Dakota Joint Information Center, which landed in my email inbox at 10:21 am.