Bismarck rally has ties to Jan. 6 riot and election conspiracy theories

MINOT, N.D. — A group of Republicans aligned with the Bastiat Caucus, including four NDGOP district chairs from the Minot area, are holding a rally in Bismarck at the beginning of next week’s special session.
The event is aimed at pushing the raft of anti-vax and culture war bills introduced by Bastiat lawmakers.
Among the speakers will be Rep. Jeff Hoverson, a Republican from Minot who recently made headlines after an altercation with airport security at the Minot International Airport that got him barred from boarding his flight.
The North Dakota folks involved claim the rally is something they’ve organized, but according to the fine reporting of Michelle Griffith, the application to hold the event on the capitol grounds was not filed by anyone local.
It was actually filed by some dude from Ohio who was subpoenaed by Congress in connection to the violent Jan. 6 riot in Washington, D.C.