Authorities Have Now Removed Nearly 600 Truck Loads of Garbage From #NoDAPL Camp

I interviewed North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum last week (audio) on the day law enforcement was working to remove the last of the anti-oil political extremists holding on at the Oceti Sakowin. At the time he told me officials had hauled off some 242 big, roll-off Dumpster loads of garbage from the camp.
He added that there was still “unbelievable amounts of trash and garbage and human waste” in the camp.
He wasn’t kidding.
According to this report from KFYR, officials have now hauled nearly 600 truck loads of garbage and debris from the camp:
The transformation of the Oceti Sakowin protest camp is almost complete. From full of people and structures to a near empty piece of land.
“We had some great contractors some good equipment operators working on the Morton County side, and on the Standing Rock Sioux side and they just made incredible progress,” said Tom Doering, Morton County emergency manager.
Close to 600 loads of garbage have been removed since cleanup began, more than 300 over the weekend.
The human waste at the camp, something protest organizers and their sycophants have tried to minimize, is also still a big issue. “Then there’s the matter of the open pit latrines that have to be sealed off so that none of that gets into the river,” said Morton County Emergency Manager Tom Doering told KFYR.
Meanwhile, the Bismarck Tribune reports that the activists at the Sacred Stone camp – the original #NoDAPL camp established on the Standing Rock reservation – have been given their final notice to vacate. It sounds as though, from the report, the protesters at that camp are mostly being cooperative though BIA officials are warning that they’ll make arrests if it comes to that.
Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that.