Audio: Rep. Cramer Says Spicer Holocaust Comment Was “Dumb” but Maybe “Technically Right”

Congressman Kevin Cramer was on my radio show today for his weekly open phones segment.
I asked him about the controversy over White House spokesman Sean Spicer suggesting that Adolf Hitler didn’t use chemical weapons during WWII, something Spicer later apologized for and which prompted House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi to call for his resignation.
[mks_pullquote align=”right” width=”300″ size=”24″ bg_color=”#ffffff” txt_color=”#000000″]”If his technical point is that it wasn’t used out on the field of battle then he’s technically right,” Cramer said. “It’s still a dumb comment.”[/mks_pullquote]
“If his technical point is that it wasn’t used out on the field of battle then he’s technically right,” Cramer said. “It’s still a dumb comment.”
As for Pelosi? Cramer says she’s “as respected as a rock.”
He also addressed his request that Midcontinent Communications, his internet service provider, turn over his browsing data. I had asked Cramer for the data after he told a caller on the Jay Thomas Show that he’d turn it over.
Midco said they don’t collect that data.
“They proved my point about how overblown all this is,” he said.
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