Audio: Kevin Cramer Says Current Net Neutrality Rules Give the Government a “Monopoly” Over the Internet

North Dakota Representative Kevin Cramer speaks Sunday, April 3, 2016, at the ND GOP Convention at Scheels Arena in Fargo of his choice to endorse Donald Trump for president. Rick Abbott / The Forum
I had Congressman Kevin Cramer on my radio show today for our weekly open phones segment, and the talk focused on the net neutrality issue.
Today was an internet “day of action” – backed largely by left-wing groups, many with ties to progressive money man George Soros – protesting proposed changes to the rules by the FCC.
Cramer told me he’s for the changes. He said the “principles of a free internet are something we all support,” but said the rules allow “the FCC and the government to have monopoly style regulatory power over the internet.”
He also said the rules are a solution in search of a problem.
“None of the problems this net neutrality seeks to fix have happened anywhere,” he said.
He also said he’d like to pass a law to “set aside three channels” of the public broadcast spectrum for ISP’s to use to broadcast internet connectivity into rural areas. This, Cramer said, would be a way to increase access to the internet and competition among service providers.
Here’s the full audio of our segment:
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