Kansas week in review: trash, control and free food


By Travis Perry │ Kansas Watchdog

OSAWATOMIE, Kan. — Feeling a little burned-out? After temperatures have spiked across the state, nobody would blame you.

But with the weekend so close at hand, don’t be a slouch! Finish strong and catch up on what you missed with our finally-Friday week in review.

4 ways Lawrence can help micromanage people’s lives

As if things couldn’t get more ridiculous: The city of Lawrence has invested untold taxpayer resources in a months-long project to help otherwise responsible adults remember to take out the trash. Yes, a task managed by previous generations without the hand-holding of their local government now has the option for the local nanny-city to issue a friendly reminder. What was the exact cost of this little effort? Your guess is as good as any. But while they’re at it, here are a few more ways Lawrence can help grown-ups manage the less complicated aspects of their own responsibilities. Read it here.

Local control split runs deep within Kansas Legislature

Paying attention to the headlines coming out of Topeka, you’d think all the squabbling in the Capitol during the past few months was focused solely on rights for gun owners and Kansas public school teachers. But you’d be wrong. Take a peek behind the rhetoric and you’ll find the real debate is about something far more fundamental: Local control and the role of government. Be informed.

Kansas lawmakers snag a piece of the pie – literally

lucy chocolate factory

Who doesn’t love an awards show, and especially one that recognizes state legislators for their, uh, “impressive” accomplishments? After scanning lobbyist expenditure data the past few months, Kansas Watchdog is proud to hand out the inaugural Golden Fork award to the lawmaker who raked-in the most free food during the recent legislative session. Who took home the honors? See for yourself.

Contact Travis Perry at travis@kansaswatchdog.org, or follow him on Twitter at @muckraker62. Like Watchdog.org? Click HERE to get breaking news alerts in YOUR state!