Josh Gallion Wins Auditor Endorsement From NDGOP Convention


“Josh Gallion’s campaign is brought to you by the letters P, S, and C,” a delegate texted to me during the voting on the Auditor race between Gallion and formerĀ Bismarck Tribune publisher Brian Kroshus.

Gallion is currently an accountant at the Public Service Commission, and enjoyed strong backing from the commissioners there (thus the delegate’s comment to me).

And it worked for him. Despite a heavy fundraising advantage for Kroshus, Gallion won the delegate vote in a landslide.

You can see my (unofficial) district-by-district count below.

Gallion got 62.77 percent of the vote.

Kroshus got 21.72.

It was a nice end to the convention weekend for Gallion. It started with his father-in-law, a seated delegate, having a heart attack on the floor of the convention.

Gallion said in his acceptance speech that his father-in-law was “down the street” in the hospital still recovering.

As for the race, I don’t think there was really a lot of contrast between the two candidates. I think both were well qualified for the job, and would have served Republicans and the state well.

It may just have come down to likability. Many delegates commented to me that they just found they liked Gallion a little bit more when they met him.

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