Congressional Aid Lives On Food Stamps Budget, Finds He Has Money Left Over


Democrats are attacking Republicans for making cuts to the SNAP (food stamps) program which, in recent years, has reached record levels of spending. Part of that attack is an attempt to live off of a food stamps budget, which they claim can’t be done.

To which I have two responses: First, it’s called the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. It’s not supposed to be anyone’s full food budget.

Second, a Republican congressional staffer decided he’d try to live off of a food stamps budget, and did it with money left over:

“I wanted to personally experience the effects of the proposed cuts to food stamps. I didn’t plan ahead or buy strategically, I just saw the publicity stunt and made a snap decision to drive down the street and try it myself. I put my money where my mouth is, and the proposed food stamp cuts are still quite filling,” Ferguson said of the challenge.

Stockman’s office noted that Ferguson did not use coupons, discount programs, or a shopping list, and he shopped at locations accessible via public transportation.

“Not only did I buy a week’s worth of food on what Democrats claim is too little, I have money left over. Based on my personal experience with SNAP benefit limits we have room to cut about 12 percent more,” Ferguson said.

“I didn’t use coupons, I didn’t compare prices and was buying for one, instead of a family. I could have bought even more food per person if I were splitting $126 four ways, instead of budgeting $31.50 to eat for one.” Ferguson added. ”I could have bought cheaper vegetables instead of prepared red beans and rice, but I like red beans and rice. Folks aren’t buying fast food instead of vegetables because of benefit limits, they’re buying fast food because fast food tastes great and vegetables taste like vegetables.”

You can get a look at Ferguson’s shopping list at the link.